Integrated Case Method: THE FUTURE TODAY

Businesses want employees who ‘know and can do.’ Universities
The original design of the Case Study Method was developed by Harvard University as a way to expose business students to “real” corporate and enhance their critical thinking and analytical skills. It is most useful in the Finance and Business Sciences as these fields are subject to “generally accepted principles” and full of situations that require sound judgment in response to loopholes and ethical dilemmas.
By ‘Integrated Case Method’, we do not mean a scenario of a page or two of a potential
Business Ethics, Social and Environmental considerations to a series of interconnected issues or events occurring or that once occurred (adapted or otherwise to suit specific learning outcomes) in an organisation. These issues may include weaknesses, threats, opportunities and ethical dilemmas that need a thoughtfully holistic and integrated approach
It is not uncommon in business nowadays to hear sought-after candidate attributes like
One of the earliest attempts to model this challenge is rooted in ‘systems thinking’, an approach to Problem-Solving that attempts to balance holistic and reductionist thinking. By taking the overall system as well as its parts into account, systems thinking is designed to avoid potentially contributing to further development of unintended consequences.
Professor Roger Martin (as Dean of the Rotman
School of Management, University of Toronto), a notable expert on a strand of this argued forcefully for Management Education to produce more integrative thinkers, that is, individuals who build models rather than choose between them. Thinkers and of course
In December 2013, The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) put forward the idea of integrated thinking as “the active consideration by an organisation of the relationships between its various operating and functional units and the capitals that the organisation uses or affects. Integrated thinking leads to integrated decision-making and actions that consider the creation of value over the short, medium and long term.”
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