FATHIMA GANY Finance Director of Parsons Brinckerhoff Africa, advocates changes in finance and business education (Interview)

The Future CFO Magazine was honoured to host the Finance Director/CFO of Parsons Brinckerhoff Africa and Chairperson of the Case Study Centre -Fathima Gany, CA (SA) -a passionate and accomplished finance executive and business leader with over a decade at the helm of major multinationals operating in South Africa and across the continent. We share her tips on a wide range of issues.
Thanks for speaking to us Fathima.
Thank you for having me!
Why did you take on the leadership of the Case Study Centre?
Firstly, I am very passionate about education; I look at my own life, being female with a Muslim upbringing and I thank my parents every day for allowing me to be educated -so I chair this board to give back to the profession. The
fenced just to finance, so they learn how to apply the theory to business holistically. The shortage of holistic-thinking you raise, some will call it business acumen or strategic thinking; is it your observation of others or your own personal journey?
and the continent? Absolutely critical! The education landscape is changing and Africa is behind the curve. Our primary and tertiary education is far too academically/ theoretically-driven -we cannot rely only on educational institutions and
What is your view of the importance of leadership in business?
Leadership is integral in any organisation, let alone finance. It cascades from the CEO down to the Chiefs of which the CFO is one. Being technically competent is not what makes great leaders; great leaders drive behaviour through their own behaviour –living out the culture and mission of the organisation. What are the unique attributes that you possess that underpinned your journey to, and your current success as Finance Executive?
To continue reading this interview, download the FREE February issue of The Future CFO Magazine.