Note From the Managing Editor - October 2016 edition

The Future CFO Magazine is born to inspire, mirror and inform the challenging Career Decisions of aspiring and current Finance and Business Professionals primarily in Africa, with a global appeal and perspective.
It stems from years of work alongside some of the world’s most reputed Chartered Professional Bodies, Big Business, Education Policy Makers and leading Universities to groom Future Business Leaders. Our readers study hard, secure career- relevant jobs and attain the Chartered Professional Designation in order to pursue their dreams, oftentimes: ‘Future CFOs’ but by no small measure,
C-suite executives, with varied success. Intelligence to guide their Career Decisions often is the single most important determinant of their success. This Magazine does just that: bringing us to two core propositions, both inspired by our beloved global icon, Nelson Mandela:
Proposition I
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
A think tank
In this launch issue
We conduct a
School in London and Boston. At only 31, he is a Global Speaker, serial Entrepreneur, Business Mogul, Leadership Genius and self-made Millionaire. He embodies the diversity of paths to the top and represents our Future Today, Future CFO, Future CEO, Future Entrepreneur, Future ALL! We share his passion for and tips on Professional and Leadership Development.
In ‘Why Employers Prefer Professional Qualifications’, we urge you to pursue Professional Education straight from school. In ‘Are Our Universities fit for purpose?’, we situate the growing disconnect between Employer Needs and Graduates Skills, pointing to Problem-Solving and more Problem-Solving Skills as where our Education System fails. We warn you to check the Professional Accreditation status of your Degree Programme before you embark.
In ‘Integrated Case Method: The Future Today!’, we show why Employers use this Method to recruit and challenge Universities to do more including joining The CFO Case Study Competition revolution underway!
In ‘What’s the fuss about IEB and Cambridge Schools
(NEU) from the Department of Basic Education (DBE) and creating a statutory Independent Body to oversee Public School Exams. Some may argue this is far too radical and is no silver bullet, or that it fails to reflect our socio-economic and/or political context. Yet we point to other less-resourced African countries with far worse socio-economic and/or political circumstances that outperform our Basic Education outcomes. Failure to ‘segregate’ is simply bad Education Governance! The DBE cannot be
In our Unsung Heroes and
In Future Editions, we also delve into other typical and topical business issues on the continent to shape your connection between the classroom theory and
Hold your breath and get ready for a joy ride with ‘The Future CFO ’, The More You Know, the more Informed your Business Career Decisions.
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