Facebook Competition: How Would You Define Great Leadership?

Views: 2618
By CharterQuest, 04 November 2019

You have led others or followed good (or great) leaders worthy of emulation, but we know good (or great) leadership itself means different things to different people; so to assess the faces of leadership, we ran a 30-day Facebook Campaign, asking you to submit your own original/un-plagiarised quotes, in no more than 50 words, on what you perceive as Good or Great Leadership! We received over 100 submissions, and as expected, there was wide variation in your views. To evaluate and score your quotes, we tested the submissions against a range of leadership theories, principles, models, frameworks, practices and rules; and noted a central tendency of the views to converge around one particular organising framework -Brendon Buchard’s 6 Es of Good Leadership practices. 


Although Brendon ‘seemingly’ attempts to put the 6 Es of leadership in some sequential order, he acknowledges that these intertwine and overlap so much that the Es should rather be deemed as Great Leadership practices, rather than sequential steps. The 6 Es include: 

  1. Envisioning –conceiving and/or articulating a compelling and shared vision of the future; 
  2. Enlisting –finding, disciplining, and assigning roles for others to willingly perform; 
  3. Embodying –representing, acting ethically, and consistently with the mutually-shared values; 
  4. Empowering – delegating authority and supporting others to take congruent actions; 
  5. Encouraging –coaching, mentoring, motivating, and driving others to willingly perform; and 
  6. Evaluating – assessing self and others’ performance, and effect change where needed. 

We compared your quotes, to measure how closely each matched some, or all the 6 Es. In no particular order, the quotes that most succinctly and meaningfully matched the majority of the Es are published on the next page. The authors of these 6 selected quotes will be published on our Facebook page for a poll voting process designed to select the winner of a tablet and a spot in our next edition! We have accordingly, using the views expressed in these leadership definitions ("quotes"), to inform the subsequent articles in this section. 

The second round of this Facebook (Leadership Definition) competition which opened on the 1st of July 2017 and likely to use a Leadership Framework other than the 6 Es to evaluate your submissions. A winning formula for the next round is to Google and read-up a lot more about great leadership principles, theories, models, frameworks, styles and approaches. Keep an eye on our Facebook page, and be in the running to get published, now that’s levels!

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